
Tu peux, en principe, recourir à {{Babel|fr|scn-3|it-3|en-3|es-5}}. Pendant que je m'occupais de rendre bleues les catégories qui étaient rouges chez moi, je me suis dit que je pouvais faire un petit effort... Hégésippe | ±Θ± 18:03, 17 ferraghju 2008 (UTC)

re:SpaceBirdyBot on CO.wiktio


Hola Sarvaturi, sí, lo sé, pero se tiene que preguntar la comunidad del wiki si no hay ningun burócrata de todos modos primero. Un saludo :) --Spacebirdy 00:04, 31 marzu 2008 (UTC)

Sorry for not logging. odt is ISO 639-3 for Old Dutch,see here. It is the very poorly attested progenitor of dum and probably very close to Frankian as in Charlemagne, but both the French and the Germans get upset if I say that.

As you can see I copied some templates from the Irish wikti. They have a separate zone for other Celtic languages and I have put the other Romance ones in them here. If you don't like it we can also go back to one color. It's just a suggestion.

Unfortunately the Java script for Nav is missing here and so the button to open up the sub section does not work. There's no hurry with that but once you get many translations the pages get cluttered enough that you should consider the option.

I hope you liked my etym. There is an old Dutch etymology dictionary from Franck in public domain and freely available as a google scan. The info is dated but some of it is quite useful.

Jcwf 21:24, 11 aprile 2008 (UTC)

Buenes tardes mi amigo

If you prefer a different set of lingo's in the green zone, it is not my place to object being one of those germanics that screwed up French (lol). I can see two problems with what you said though:
The term Italic is already in use for languages like Umbrian Oscan and Latin as they were spoken up to the days of Julius Caesar c.s. Maybe Italo-Romance would be better?
Of course the (i.e. your) definition of what is Italo-Romance and what is not, might at some point be contested, particularly if someone thinks it reflects your personal POV, even more so if people suspect that to be a political POV. Even just suspicion can lead to fierce debates and that is the last thing this fledgling wikti needs. This is why I try to stick to strictly linguistic boundaries at nl:. They are much easier to defend as NPOV.

That said: from me you will not get any opposition. Just tell me what you would like. Jcwf 23:11, 13 aprile 2008 (UTC)

agradecimiento/ agradecimento/


Sarvaturi: Muchas gracias por tus palabras Muito obrigado por tuas palavras A lot of graces by your words

Il tuo nome utente sarà cambiato


22:19, 17 mar 2015 (UTC)



04:38, 17 apr 2015 (UTC)

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